thanks everyone for the huge help now I know what to do
insted of stand and shoot at the damn thing
thanks everyone for the huge help now I know what to do
insted of stand and shoot at the damn thing
Hi everybody my problem is quite simple actually.
I'm playing Dead Space (Awesome Game BTW) and I'm in the last boss, the Big Boss
Now I tried numerous times to beat this boss but with no success
I looked in GS game guide and the video on how to beat him
but the monster doesn't act in the game as it on the video after shooting the big yellow balls
it continuous to Breath/yell at me and wont send the spikes after me
after this story my question is: My copy the game is bad or what?
thanks for helping
I know that the studios working on the prince of persia film pull him back
so they could work more on the effects and acrobatics of the prince witch b.t.w has a name
his name is dastan (who new lol) but there is no phara insted there is Tamina :?
there going to be a metal gear solid movie , world of warcraft movie (WTF) and many more
stay tuned XD
let me summery the game for you
"A God Of War wannabe only with guns".
that the game for me a complete fail if you ask me
Don't get me wrong I think just like you movies based on video games failed at the box office
Except Hitman that was a success perhaps PoP and Halo would be able to break that curse
Prince of Persia should be good to the acrobatics should be awesome
I think the "W" bros. will be good to no doubt the matrix was there best film
Weill just have to wait and see how the saga continue
Yes so I'm not crazy (I bat with my friends that is true)
That is so cool it look just like the Wiimote they need to change the design but stick to the idea
Thx man
Bioshock 2 is going to be awesome but it still is in rapture?
The story has any connection to the first game?
The game that I want to see is defiantly Gears of War 2
But Bioshock is good to XD lol
Long time ago I here'd something about Xbox and Microsoft maybe on the news or maybe not
That Microsoft want to go to the motion capture/reaction market like Nintendo did with the Wiimote
They sad that Microsoft want to apply this in the XBOX360 controller so it could be similar to the Wiimote
Is that a rumor or Microsoft really planning to enter this market
I think the guy in the news was just bluffing
What you think about it and if anyone have more information about it please share
yes it is they even post out a Concept Art of the movie
Michael Bay could be good becuase hhe speciality is sci-fi movies (Transformers ,Armageddon)
links to the news this site is the best to look for updates on the files
you should check it out
Yes It's true everybody the script is finished and now the search is for a director
the movie will follow the best selling game plot
"After they crash-land on an artificial ring-world called "Halo", a navy captain, his surviving marines, and a chemically-and-surgically-enhanced supersoldier named John-117 "Master Chief" must find out what the Covenant, the genocidal alien race they are at war with, are looking for on the ring. However, Halo holds more secrets than either side imagined."
who do you think can take the job of the director and bring this legendery game to life ?
for me it is only one man Peter Jackson
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