My cousin lent it to me this week and I just can't get into it.... It's very boring driving from location to location... I dunno.... whenever I put it in it feels like a chore because I want to finish it....
Anyone else feel this way?
Looks like everybody's getting the same feeling about this game. I liked it in the first few hours, hoping it could be like FarCry 1. However, it turned out that the more I played it the more I found it leaving the track of FarCry 1. I was quite disappointed and kinda hope it could end soon. When the first map was done, I was quite relieved that it finaly ends, and then there comes the second map, WTF!!!
The most boring thing about this game is that, like everybody's been saying, it is so repetitive. To finish a task basically you need to do the same stuff, take out check points, watch for the patrols, find a buddy, do the buddy's task.......... I have to say in the end it was kinda fun when your buddies betrayed you. But all in all it was too boring and there is not a clear main flow of story, I mean look at this game in general is it a FPS or simply an offline W.O.W.?
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