Hello again :)
I hope you all got some nice presents for this Christmas. I got 3 games, one for the Xbox 360, one for the PS 2 and finally one for the PC.
The one I got for the Xbox360 is Enchanted Arms , a Japanese RPG where a special young man is the main character.What is so special about him? He has a "strange" right arm (that's why they chose this specific title for this game, I guess). It's the first JRPG for the Xbox360, so I think I'm going to start playing this right away. Although, it didn't get a splendid score here at GS. But it wouldn't be the first time I like a game ,with a lower GS score, a lot.
The game I got for the PS2 is Suikoden V, again a JRPG, like they're called. Already many, many months ago I read about Suikoden III here at GS and the comments were great but Suikoden III was never released here in Europe. But to my surprise Suikoden IV was. But I saw some gameplay movies and read some comments and they were all very bad, so at that time, I decided to not buy it. And then a few weeks ago I saw Suikoden V in the gameshop. When I came back home I immediately surfed to GS and read the review, the player comments etc. and they were very satisfied about this game, so....I put it on my wish list for Christmas. And now it's here :)
The third and last game I received is Civ IV. Since a few months I really love this genre : turn based strategy(TBS) games. All started with Heroes of Might &Magic III and the demo of HoM&M V. It was great fun! And now my TBS games library (we should call a games library a "gamerary" :) ) is still increasing. And I'm glad I received Civ IV now, a TBS game collection isn't complete without a Civ game!! I have many hours ahead playing this game!
Well, these are my Christmas presents for this year and I'm very happy having received them. I hope you all can say the same about yours. But even a greater present can come for me in a month or two, but more about that in a next entry!
In the meantime, have fun and game on!! :)