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Summer update

Heya everyone :)

I hope you are all having a great summer. Here in Belgium it has been very warm for a couple of weeks, it was a real heat wave. It was too warm to even attempt to do something outside in the garden so I gamed instead. :D

There are 3 games on my "now playing " list : Fallout 3 , Lost Odyssey and FF X.

I was already busy with FF X months ago but somehow I never got to the end, I always started another game. Which is a shame cause, first, it's a great game and second, I'm very close to the end so I made finishing FF X one of my goals for the rest of this year.

About 2 weeks ago I started with Lost Odyssey (LO). I played for a couple of hours when the game was released but I went back to WoW (yep, that eternal Evil :P ) but now I'm completely into the game. I really love the story and it's a turn based RPG so it can't do much wrong in my eyes what the battle system concerns. I really suck at getting "perfect rings" though, I can forget getting the " 500 perfect rings " achievement, I would have to play through the game a second time, maybe who knows, even a third time."blushes" I'm now 35 hours in the game and I was in Gohtza Station (third disc), the last time I gamed ( a few hours ago). Some people in the RPG Temple (union) like Ron and Max warned me for this third disc, that it was kind of boring and difficult for people who get lost very easily (yep, look at me, I'm one of those !!!) but I enjoy this game so much that I don't think the third disc will lessen my enthusiasm.

The third game on my list is Fallout 3. I just finished the part in the Vault and now I'm standing outside ready to start my adventure in the Wasteland. My idea was to play LO for a couple of days, then go back to Fallout 3 for a few days, back to LO and so on. I wanted to do this to have some kind of variation in my game play cause Fallout is a more action oriented RPG where LO is a full turn based RPG. But I can't get into Fallout 3. First of all cause an open world game always reminds me of WoW and say what you want to say, but the controls and animations in WoW are so much better than in Fallout 3 (and also better than in Oblivion for that matter), I can't stop comparing those games. And second, cause I'm too much into LO and its story, I want to know what the next thing is that will happen and how this story will end. Which means that I think I'll focus entirely on LO the next few days/weeks and when I'll see the credits roll I'll start Fallout 3 again.

Something different now, but still game related.

Today , 11th of August, there's a big update for Xbox Live. When I fired up my 360 earlier, I immediately got the message "update is ready......". One of the new features is that you can personalize your avatar even more than before. But (there's always one!) you have to pay for the new clothes, 1 euro a piece, sometimes 2. But hell, I won't buy something new every day so when the update was installed, I had a look in the avatar store and saw some cool stuff, especially in the collection, called Recessionista. I bought several things and now I'm wondering what you all think of the changes I made to my avatar.

The first picture is how my avatar looked before the update. The second and third are after the update. There's only one difference between the second and third picture, the hat. My question is : which one do you like the most?

Ok, that's it for now. Have fun but don't forget to go outside once in a while, the weather is too nice to spend it all inside. Cya next time, take good care till then ! :)