My firends, you have read my ups and downs for some time. This is a down. My wife of 31 years passed over yesterday April 25th at 6:30pm EDT. The good news is that she went in her sleep and had no pain. The bad news is that I was not with her at the end and did not get to say goodbye, to hold her hand or touch face her one last time.
She wanted to go to New York to be with her mother and sisters, and at the time when she wnt it appeared that it was the best course of action. We believed that we could get some more advanced treatments and would return to me stronger then ever. We were wrong, apparntly her condidtion at the time was graver then she admitted to myself or her familiy.
Had I been selfish and not let her go, I would have had the luxuary of being with her at the end. Perhaps this is better in a way because my last memories of her were as the vital, beautiful, women she was.