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What a break!

The storm missed!  GOD in his infinate gave us heavy rain, and high winds, but no snow!!!:D  Thank you God!  Today it is cold but very clear. a beautiful winter day.

Don't know how many of you had the opportunity to watch Polar Express last night.  If you missed it and you have cable, it is being repeated  next Friday on ABC Family channel.  I have to say, some great movies have been popping up between Hallmark Channel and ABC Family Channel.

Everyone have a great Sunday.  I'm on VACATION!!! My dream vacation spot its been so long I don't even know what that means. :lol:. Well, i could only wish I was going here.  Maybe if I close my left eye, squint with my right eye, hold the picture a couple of inches from my nose and turn up the heat, I can make the dream seem real.  Oh yeah, lets not forget a frosty beverage.