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A Few Updates

Backlog Update

62 hours and over 1,000 encounters later, I managed to finally beat Tales of Symphonia for the Gamecube. Don't get me wrong, it's a fantastic RPG but I would only recommend it to the hardcore because of its length. I haven't even touched the sidequests.

Anyways, after scratching that game off my backlog list, I've decided to move on to Final Fantasy XII for the PS2. I'm already 10 hours into it and i'm loving it so far, although the beginning was a bit slower than other FF's in the series. My mouth was open throughout the entire opening sequence, it was just that amazing.

The other gamesĀ in my backlog list are: Okami and Twilight Princess. I decided to skip Okami because i'm currently in a RPG mood and I don't think that I'll be playing Zelda for quite some time, I just never got into it.

Will It Work? Cancelled

A few days ago my phone rang and the person on the other side said "you got the job!" That's right folks, as of January 30th, I am a working man. Long story short: I just don't have the time anymore to film "Will It Work?"

I loved doing the videos and I want to thank everyone who left a comment and recommend both of them. I'll try and make some normal video blogs now and then. Thank you all for your support.

Gamespot Stole My Money

I don't feel like explaining the whole thing so I'll just copy/paste here the e-mail I sent them last week:

"Hello, I've just tried to sign for an annual subcription of a gamespot plus. I was asked my address, credit card Number and such. I clicked on confirm account, and an error page came up. I tried again, fix a field which I had left blank my mistake, and I get another error this time stating that my card was declined by the bank. Yet, I check my balance online and there's a charge from for US$19.99. I did not get a confirmatory email stating that my account had been created. My user name is, which is also my email. Please notify me if the transaction did go thru and what step must be taken so that I can access my account."

A few hours later, they sent me an e-mail stating that they would reply within 72 hours. It's been almost a week now and I still haven't heard from them. This is an OUTRAGE!!

Most Anticipated Portable Games of 2007

I wrote a text blog a few days ago about the release of a remake version of Final Fantasy Tactics for the PSP. Not much news was given as to what this new version has to offer. I searched around the internet and found out that the game will include: brand new anime cutscenes, new jobs, new playable characters, a rumored online multiplayer and new items. This game just sealed the deal for me: I'm getting a PSP as soon as FFT comes out. Although no release date has been announced for the US. You can also find the trailer at

A sequel to Final Fantasy Tactics Advance has been announced for the DS called Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Fuuketsu no Grimoire. Nothing is known about this game only that it was announced for a Japanese release. It'll surely make its way to the US.

I'm really excited about both these games! Definite must buys for me in 2007.

The World of Ivalice

Final Fantasy XII takes place in the world of Ivalice. This is the third time that Ivalice has appeared in an FF game. It was first introduced in Final Fantasy Tactics and then Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. I couldn't help but notice the similarities between FFXII and FFTA:

1. Races: Bangaas and Vieras make a triumphant return into 3-D

2. Judges are back once again to bring injustice into the land.

3. A moogle named Montblanc aids you in FFTA in creating a brand new clan. In FFXII, the leader of the biggest clan in Rabanastre is none other than a moogle named Montblanc.

Because of these similiarites, I've started playing FFTA once again. I just love that game.

Well that's it for updates, I'll try and write a lot more text blogs in the future and maybe try to film a normal video blog.

Note: Please no FFXII spoilers. Thank you.