Gamerscore: 4, 536
Hey guys, I'm a little bit bored so I decided to write this little Points Report to see how it turns out. Hope you guys enjoy it!
Rainbow Six Vegas
If you read my blog earlier this week, then you all know that I got the Rainbow Six Legend achievement but also on Thursday, fellow Gamespot user jimbO, helped me with some of the online achievements, so now I have 600 points completed in R6V. I also obtained the Veteran Hunter achievement, which is to beat Terrorist Hunt on normal difficulty by yourself. It really wasn't that hard because I used the Shield. Who the hell needs Kevlar when you have a Shield right?
Rockstar Presents Table Tennis
Not a big "points" game due to the fact that they are hard to get. I just like this game, plain and simple. It's definitely one of those "easy to pick up but hard to master" games. The hard difficulty really kicks my ass. I'm striving to get The Veteran achievement which is to play the game for 10 hours. I already have 7 and a half so I'm almost there, 60 easy points. There is also another achievement for unlocking all the costumes in the game....not an easy task because you have to win 22 games with some of the characters in order to get their costumes. Slowly but surely, I will get this achievement.
Dead Rising
I love the achievements in this game, really fun to obtain. I currently have 800 points out of 1000. Last night I got the Outdoorsman (Spend at least 24 hours outdoors) and Karate Champ (Kill 1,000 zombies with your barehands) achievements,It took me all night but it was worth it. Right now, I'm working on Zombie Genocider (Kill at least 53,594 zombies) and Indoorsman(Spend at least 24 hours indoors). It's going smoothly, I already have 23,000 zombies killed in less than 15 hours of game time so I have plenty of time to obtain these achievements but let me tell you that running over thousands zombies can get really boring.
I'm I going for the full 1000 points in Dead Rising? I wish the answer was yes but seriously I can't do it. Why? Because the 5 Day Survivor and 7 Day Survivor achievements, require the 360 to be on for at least 12 to 14 hours straight. Now I am not about to do that to my precious 360 but maybe someday in the future, when Microsoft makes the hardware more reliable, I will be able to obtain the full 1000 points in Dead Rising and that my fellow gamespotters, would be awesome.
Well that's about it for this little "Points Report". It was actually fun to write so maybe I'll make this a weekly thing. Well I'm off to check if the Gears Bash is up and running. Later Gamespot!