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Teresa's top handheld games of 2009

well I fonally did it I am now posting my handheld game s of the year. as with the console version of this there are not ten games to choose from as with that most pf the games that I did last year were older titles, but here is what I do have for this year.

7. Phantasy Star 0 9.0. This was a great game. it felt like I was once again playing thehit Phantasy Star online, and that is a good thing.

6. Prinny 9.5 Oh man is this game freaking hard. I mean come one, but that is what adds to its charm. it is so cute it is totally decieving here, but it is great.

5. Valkyrie Profile covenent of the plume 9.5. A different path for this seriese, but a very interesting one, though I will be the first to admit I like the old way better. it had a good story, and great music as well, so that is why it is number five.

4. Tales of vs. 9.5 take super smash bros,and tales of and this is what you get a fun game not really much more to say here.

3. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Echoes of time. 9.8. Hey what can I say it is a ff game wich makes it very good by default.

2. Star Ocean Second evolution review. 9.5 even though this is a remake of the original 1998 ****c this is still a great game with updated cutscenes music, and even charactors it is a great buy no matter what .

1. Dissidia Final Fantasy. 9.9 this is the best game of the year because it is fun, and has alll of my favorite characros in it. and plus a ff game had to win in this countdown.

Well there you have my once again totally subjective oponion on the games . if you did not see your game that is because I have not played it either so there you go, and enjoy more reviews coming soon.

Teresa's Top Console games of 2009

well I cannot call it a top 10 this year for apparently I did not beat 10 console games this year. alot of the gamesthat I beat last year were handhelds and older games, but it is quality not quanity that matters here so here we go with the top eight console games of 2009

8. Cross Edge 9.2. This is a fun colaberation of some of my favorite seriese disgaea, and the like, and I did enjoy it greatly, but it was not the creme of the crop so to speak.

7. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Echoes of Time. 9.8Yes this game will also be in the handhelp catagory as well, but I liked the interesting control scheme here so that is why it made it here.

6. Final Fantasy IV The After Years. 9.8 I like this game for a lot of reasons. the main one is well duh it is a ff game, and it is a squeal to one of my personal favorite games.

5. Magna Carta 2 9.9 Thie is the 2nd. best 360 game of the year, even though I am mad at namco about a tales of issue I did like this game a lot it was very fun, and worth the number five spot.

4. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles The Crystal Bearers. 9.9. Despit what other reviewers think I really like this game a lot. Though it did take a bit of time to get used to the control scheme once I did there was a great game to be had on the much starved wii.

3. Star Ocean The Last Hope. 9.9. This game is the best 360 game out there it is fun, and I loved every minute of it. It was great fun, and it deserves its place here, and yest I also playing the ps3 version now.

2. Muramasa The demon Blade 10. This game was a shoe in save for out number one game. I love this game, and if you do not have a wii get one to playb this game it is just that good.

1. Tales Of Vesperia ps3 Import 10. This was a huge close one for me to choose it simply became preference to me as with many of the games in the list, but Tales just nudged it out by a smidge. What really put it over the top was the nusic, but Motoi Sakuraba he really added some really cool tracks to the expanded game. In two words love it.

So there you have it my oponion on the best games of the year. sorry if you did not see your games this is my list hee hee. Anyhoo I am going to try to do the handheld list in the next couple of days so enjoy, and feel free to leave me any comments and feedback. so have fun.

Teresa's top 10 console games of 2008

Finally I have been able to put up my top ten console games of last year sheesh it took a bit, any hoo. I will do this from 10 to 1, and I will tell why I liked it if you wanna know more read the review. I know that this is totally subjective, but hey it is my top ten.

well to start off let me put in my honorable mention game, and that would be Eternal sonata for the PS3. even though that game technally came out in 2007 on the 360. The ps3 game was just as good if not a bit better. so it gets an honorable mention.

10. Soul Caliber 4 score 8.4 I liked this game I am just not that into

fighters, but I do like soul caliber 4. There were just better games

last year.

9. Final Fantasy Fables Chocobo Tales Mysterious Dungeon 8.5. This was a

good game, and very unique for the Wii, and other than TOS2 the best

RPG on the Wii.

8. Lost Odyssey. 9.2 Considering that the 360 game was created by the

father of Final Fantasy Hironobou Sakaguchi. I truly did expect a lot

more from this game, but it was still a decent game, and though a bit

tedious. It does deserve a place on the list.

7. Infinite Undiscovery 9.5. Personally I really liked this game it is easier than what I am used to, but it told a great story, and had really good music. Thanks Motoi Sakuraba.

6. Devil May Cry 4. 9.5. I am typically not that much of an action gamer but this is one of those games that I really do like. It is just plain fun, and hey it does help that Dante is cute.

5. Disgaea 3 9.5 One of the few games on the ps3 that are worth talking about. This game is hilarious. it does not take itself seriously, but that is what makes it so charming to me.

4. Valkyirea Chronicles 9.6. This is the other ps3 game worth talking about. it is a unique game that tells a great story, and though WW2 is the main story element it is told so well that you forget that fact.

3. Tales Of Symphonia 2 Dawn Of The New World. 9.7 This game is currently the game game on the Wii hands down. It is fun engaging, and like all Tales Of games has a great story.

2. The Last Remnant. 9.8 I know I know that there are a lot of people out there who do not like this game. Well I do. It has a good combat system is challenging has great music, and a great story so what if the game has a bit of slowdown. It is still a good enough game that I can look past it's few short comings.

1. Tales Of Vesperia 10. This is with out a doubt game of the year I loved every minute of this game. It is just that good.

Okay there you have it the console top 10 of 2008. I hoped you liked it. If you did not see one of your favorite games in the list that means that I probably did not play it. Sorry.

My other website


all I just wanted you to know not only do I have this website, but I have another as well. so here it is.

Hope you all check it out, Thanks.
