Its Our Examination Week Next Week. Good thing is i was able to study most of my subjects so i dont need to worry a lot anymore. This day, my friends invited me to attend a church play. At first, i thought it was just a dance or something like that but its not. It's all about Jesus and how He was concerned about our souls that much that he will do anything to free us from vices, bad influences, corruption of bad friends, bad habits and any form of sin habits. That his heart always breaks whenever he sees us commiting sin. It is very touching and i had a lot of fun. Anyways, i need your prayers regarding my exam next week. Pls. pray for me that not only i will pass but i will also get good grades. That the things that i've reviewed will stick to my mind that i will have a sharp memory :) Talking about Alzheimers Disease haha :lol: I hope things will turn out good next week, thanks Guys, Cya!!!
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