tnafan54's forum posts
hmm how long has it been sence we have seen a hell in the cell match
am I the only one that wants to see a new one
i'd like to be the agent who keeps an eye on the females.=]lilhbk
lol we all would man
thank you
thank you
i had to let that one out
ok i saw the marine at the movie theraters and it wasnt that bad i would give it a 6 out of 10 the condemed was just as bad but people are such a dick toreds someone and dont care if its a ok movie are not they just know they hate cena
yes hate a guy who does tons of charity hate a guy who make wwe rating go up yes hate a guy that brings in more salls from shirts toys boxers hats what ever you get the point he does a lot for this company and i give him credit for that
hey all you tna fans that are from the good old il like me check whats coming here on june 20 and 21
Alcohol is absoulutly disqusting there is no dang reason to drink something that you could get the same taste from ROOT BEER, and also get completely tired, sick and not even know what your doing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nothing is good about alcohol, There are things good about soda, not alcohol.
Just dont reply, and if you ask me my age again i will report you
wo wo wo man just chill out you must be 12 to say you will report someone becasue they ask what your age is and i dont think you can get in troble for asking that in the firest place
FOR everyone that complains saying about how vince holds the "black man down"
stfu and watch
ok one of my favoirt
come and cross the line
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