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Thoughts on the game...Rage

Hello my fellow gamers i'm gonna start a new section called Thoughts on the game... which will bassicly be my oppion on upcoming games. So today's game is...Rage which i'm gonna be honest i'm really excited for this game. It's made by the devlopers of Doom and Quake. Quake I have not played YET but Doom I have played and it kicks A##! They are very hush hush about this game. I know GameInformer did a cover story on this in 2009 but I did'nt read it. I think this game is gonna kick Gears Of War 3 AND Modern Warfare 3's a##. Now don't get i'm excited for both of those games but Rage I'm REALLY excited for. So that's just my thoughts on this game new review tonight. See ya later. =)