I still can't believe how childish these fanboys are. We have 3 new "Nexgen" consoles out there, and people just sit there an bash one over another. This is just plain STUPID!!!!
I am a proud owner of a Ps3, and recently sold my 360. Does that mean I am a Sony "Fanboy", and hate Microsoft? No, I just never used my Xbox 360 after I got my Ps3. I do prefer the Playstation over the 360, but I don't bash the system. Yes, the 360 was very very loud. Yes, I did experiance the red circle of death!!!! (By the way, for people who have purchased more than one Xbox 360, and had the machine die, WHY THE HELL DO YOU KEEP BUYING A BROKEN MACHINE??????????? Do you hope that one day it will work. I have heard people say that when the Ps2 broke, and that is why they switched to the Xbox. Why not show the same loyalty then? That's bs, and you all know it!!!!!!! If I buy a machine and it dies, I will probaly buy another one, if that one dies you just lost my business). Did that cause me to hate Microsoft, NO!!!! Both systems have their plus's and minus's!!! I don't like the lack of Hd player with the 360. (Don't really care who wins the format war), I don't like that fact that Xbox live costs. I don't like the fact that I have to wait for Microsoft to release a new hard drive (and for 179, thats a complete joke). I love the fact that with the Ps3, I can go to any local pc store and pick up a 3.5 in serial ata hard drive and just pop it in. I got a 120 gig hard drive for 80 dollars at Bestbuy, you do the math.
Microsoft got very cocky, ripping Sony apart for releaseing 2 different sku's, just to turn around and to damn thing less than 2 years later. Speaking of which let's rant about the new 360. Close to $500, you get the same old, loud 360, with Hdmi, and a larger hard drive. Thats a joke!!! You can buy a 20 gig Ps3, get all the same features, plus a Hd dvd player. At least Bill Gates could of done was also add in wifi for free, then maybe it would justify the price. Its is still a good system, if you like what they offer.
Sony is very cocky also. Saying the nexgen will start when they say it does. Thats a stupid thing to say. The Ps3 does not have a very good online community as of today. Will that change? Probablly, but it is hurting Sony now. I think Sony is on the right path, but this is Sony they can screw up at any momment. Alot of people hate the fact that as of now it has no rumble feature, I personally don't care. I thought it would upset me, but after playing since November, I forgot all about it. Yes it would be nice to have on some games, but I don't ever think about it while playing. Later I may say, rumble would of been fun at a certain moment, but it didn't change the fact that I liked the game. When the 360 was first released they didn't have half the stuff for live until later, when they came out with patches. Sony will do the same, TRY TO BE PATIENT!!!!! I really am not too impressed by the Sixaxis as of today, that may change, but is very akward for most games.
I keep hearing these people say that Microsoft has better games, or there is no diff between the games that are out on both consoles. You know something that is not Microsoft, or Sony's doing. BLAME THE PEOPLE DEVELOPING THE GAMES!!!! One console has been out for almot 2 years, one has been out for about 7 months. Honestly the graphics aren't that different at the moment. That says a lot about what is to come. By June of 08 we will be able to truly see which is better graphicly. Does that make once console better? It will again depend on who you ask. I think Nintendo's graphics suck compared to both Sony, and Microsoft. But people are very loyal to Nintendo.
If Microsoft wins the format war, CONGRATS TO MICROSOFT. If it is Sony, THEN CONGRATS TO SONY, or even Nintendo. If you have to try so hard to rip apart another console, or to convice someone to think that their favorite is better, then you have issues. Why can't people just let someone else have their favorite console, why do people have to rip them apart?
I love my Ps3, but if you like/love your 360, well goodie for you. I am not going to knock you, or try to convice you otherwise. We all have our thoughts, and speak the freely. But damn, do people have to be so hostile. Can't people make a coment with out being screamed at, and made fun of. We never had fights like this with Atari, going up against Intelivision. (Showing my age now). People were just happy to have (at the time) a good gaming system. All the consoles are different in their own way. Lets just have fun, if a crappy game comes out, blame the people who made the game (Genji), not the people that make the console.
Good luck to Microsoft, Sony, and to Nintendo!!!! You all have made a decent game system for your fans. If you don't like the console, then DON'T PLAY IT!!!!!!!!!!! But let people enjoy what they have. This goes to both Sony, and Ms fanboys. Neither of you is correct. I will say this though. I really believe that most of the people on this website who start the fanboys name calling contest are children. You decide what that means. Is Honda better than Toyota, again it will depend on who you ask.
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