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A Life Update. E3 Blog Coming Soon.

Hello everyone! I haven't been posting that much lately except on a couple of union I still frequent, but I thought it was about time for a quick blog. I'll be doing my "Best of E3" blogs over the weekend if I have time. Lately i've been doing some gaming, of course, mostly on my Xbox lately. I did sign up for Playstation Plus. Never thought I would, but when I saw Sony's E3 show and found out I could get these games: all for $17.99! Great deal for me since i've wanted to play these games for a while and they would cost over $200 bucks from gamestop. :?

-InFamous 2

-LittleBigPlanet 2

-Warhammer 40k: Space Marine

-Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One

-Virtue Fighter 5 Final Showdown

-And several other games.

Now onto my recent purchases. Yesterday I traded in 7 games at Gamestop and with their Tiered trade deal I was able to get $110.00 and change for all of them! I was able to get these.






Both Dead Island GOtY are paid off and i'll pick them both up on the 26th. Although i'm going to change my Spec OPS pre-order over to the PS3 version since I liked the demo better on PS3. I've spent enough money for now though. :P

So I guess that's it for the recent purchases the last thing is a life update. I was planning on going to school this fall, but its really dependant on whether or not I get another job. Some of you may know that i've been working for my dad for a long time now and i'll still be doing that part time, but things are slowing down I need to start saving money for college.

I've applied to Gamestop and Best Buy. I had a first interview with Best Buy this past Tuesday and it went well enough for me to get called back to a second interview with the general manager of the store next Tuesday. I would be working in the Home Theater or Video Game section, so i'd feel comfortable since I know a good amount about both. Still i'm keeping my fingers crossed and praying that I get the job, because I really need it. Not only for me, but for my family to.

Anyway guys that's all for me today. Wish me luck on the job hunt and i'llget my E3 blogs up as soon as possible. Thanks for reading. :)

~Mike :)