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I'm Back From the Dead.....With Impressions!!

Whats up guys!?! Yes I am back from the dead and I come bearing gaming impressions! :D I've been busy as usual,but today I have some time to start talking about some games I have been playing lately. So Today I will be talking a little bit about..... The Saboteur. :)

First off I have to say the The Saboteur has an incredible art s t y l e, that is just amazing to look at! Now I have heard a few negative things about this game, (driving is messy, platforming is clumsy, and the game is just to easy) I however only have one thing in common with these complaints. That is that the game is very easy! If all soldiers were like this, nobody would have died in WWII. :P You can literally take a hundred or more bullets before you die! When I first started playing I thought, "I play for a half hour then go to bed", 4 hours later I was still playing! The game is very addictive and has the tendency to draw you in with its, great story and incredible graphics! I am not crazy on the script,but the voice acting is very solid and believable. I am really enjoying this game and its the only game in a while to keep me from MW2, (so you know its good :P ). Overall I give The Saboteur a 8.5/10 so far! :)

Hope you enjoyed my impressions of The Saboteur guys, and I hope you will check out my next blog in which I will give my impressions of The MW2 "Stimulus Package"! Thanks for reading guys! :D

~Mike 8)