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Level 40, Black OPS Stats, and Double XP!

Well tonight is a different kind of blog. Not a serious blog like last one, but more of a non-random/non-serious blog. :P So lets start with a level up!!

I leveled up to 40 on Gamespot this morning. The level name is Abobo, whatever the hell that means. :P I'm sure somebody will leave a comment giving the definition of it so I won't bother finding it. :P So there's that, nothing to exciting, but it feels cool to be a part of the 40+ club. :)

Now from there, we go to something I used to do back when MW2 was all I played. I haven't really shown off my Black OPS stats to many people, because honestly they aren't that amazing. Solid? yes. Amazing? no. So i'm going to be sharing those stats here tonight and update that after double XP weekend ends. Yes that's right this weekend is double XP on 360 and PC (I believe) so you all know what I'll be playing all weekend. :P Also for those who don't know double XP has been extended into Tuesday. Anyway here are my stats for Black OPS.

Stats: Rank- 11th. Prestige Level 40.

Kills: 33,087

Deaths: 24,877

Wins: 1,125

Losses: 1,472

Assists: 4,356

Accuracy: 14.83%

Headshots: 2,766

Best Kill Streak: 16 (Without Killstreak Rewards)

Best Kill Streak: 29 (With Killstreak Rewards)

Best Win Streak: 12 (Games)

Kill/Death Ratio: 1.33

Win/Loss Ratio: 0.76

Favorite Gun: Famas

Kills With Favorite Gun: 5,194

Time Played: 12 Days, 18 Hours, 50 Minutes, 33 Seconds.

Contracts Completed: 700

Contracts Expired: 140

Wager Matches Won: 79

Wager Matches Lost: 22

So those are my stats. You should have seen me when I first started playing. :P I was so God awful that n00bs called me a n00b. :P I think that's all for now. I gotte go get ready for Friday Game Night. ;) Thanks for rading.

~Mike 8)