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My Top 100 Games of All time #60-51!!

Hey, guys Mike here. Coming at you with yet another list of My All Time Best Games! We are getting close to the top 50 and some of the games on this list may surprise you! So here it is numbers 60-51!

#60- Halo 3 ODST- Xbox 360

This was a great game and one of the Strongest in the Halo Series! The fantastic Halo 3 multiplayer remained and the brand new Firfeight mode was simply amazing! My Score-9.5.

#59- Call of Duty 3- Xbox 360

The opening of this game was breathtaking and the game was intense! Call of Duty games are known for incredible set pieces and stellar audio and gameplay!It may have had that "been there done that" feel,but this game was great! My Score-8.5.

#58- Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time- Xbox

This game came out from no where and surprised the Hell out of me! I couldn't finish it,but the gameplay mechanics were great, the graphics were amazing, and the platforming and puzzle solving were all executed very well! My Score-9.0.

#57- Condemned Criminal Orgins- Xbox 360

Hands down the scariest game i have ever played! This game had me seeing things in the dark, and was making my mind play tricks on me....and thats when I wasn't playing the game!! This game will stay with you long after you finish it! My Score-8.5.

#56- Battlefield 2- PC

I still play this game quite a bit! The online play is fantastic and when it came out it was revolutionary to all online FPS games! Still a great game today and it always will be! My Score-9.0.

#55- Grand Theft Auto IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony- Xbox 360

This expansion pack was more like a full game! The main story will take you at least 15 hours to complete and the gameplay is signature GTA IV....which means its great! My Score-9.0.

#54- Doom 3- Xbox

Amazing visuals and great gameplay made this game a must play for PC and Xbox owners! The game still doesn't look to shabby today and the gameplay still holds up. Not to mention its down right terrifing! My Score-8.5.

#53- Driver 2- Playstation

This game was considered a GTA clone by some, but by others like myself, we found it to be an amazing game! The driving was solid, graphics were good, and the overall gameplay was great! My Score-9.0.

#52- Final Fantasy Xll- PS2

This will be the only FF game you see in my list! I'm not a huge fan of FF,but FF Xll was quite good! The in game cutscenes were better than any game on the market and the tried and true RPG gameplay was fantastic! My Score-9.0.

#51- Resident Evil 5- Xbox 360

This game just barely misses the top 50 because of a few flaws that dissapointed me,but it is still an amazing game! The graphics were some of the best I have ever seen, the gunplay is great, and the story was pretty good as well! My Score-8.5.

So there is the next list guys! Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed it! Check back tomorrow for the next list! Later, Mike.8)