Hey, guys its Mike again. YesterdayI started my List of theTop 25 Best FPS games of all time. YesterdayI did numbers 25-21.So here is numbers 20-16! Enjoy!:D
20. Fear- Xbox 360- This is one of the scariest and most atmosheric first person shooters of all time. The weapons are fun to use and the slow mow killing never gets old. This is a game that is meant to be played with the lights off, because it will scare the crap out of you!
19. Timesplitters 2- Gamecube- One of the fasted paced and varied multiplayer expierences to ever grace the Nintendo Gmecube. Timespitters 2 offers endless hours of single player and multiplayer fun. With cool unlockables and lots of multiplayer maps this game was by far one of the better FPS games on the Gamecube.
18. Goldeneye 007- N64- This game is considered a classic by many and is one of the highest rated games of all time. It was extremely fun when it first came out and you could literally play it all day with your friends and not get bored. The single player was great, but the memorable multiplayer is what makes this game my number 18 best FPS ever.
17. Turok- PC- Who has never wanted to hunt some dinosaurs in large jungle environments with Rocket Launchers and Bows and Arrows? This game may have not been the prettiest game in the world,but it more than made up for it with fun gameplay and great controls.It was unique for its time and offered FPS PC fans something different than dark corridors and hallways.
16. Cronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay- Xbox- This game was one of the best FPS games on the Xbox. This was a dark and stealthy adventure through the halls of Butcher Bay that offered an interesting and lengthy story that was a blast to play through. Best part about this game is how good it looks and it still looks good today! You can't say that about many original Xbox games!
Hope you enjoyed my number 20-16 picks. Remember to check out my blog for numbers 15-11 tomorrow night!:D