Well i'm sorry I didn't get this blog up last night, but after playing Black OPS for most of the night I was a little tired. :P But i'm here today to continue. So um lets get to it then. :P
#30- Brand New Eyes by Paramore
Now as probably all of you know by now, Hayley Williams is one of my favorite women alive. I only use her as my avy 80% of the time and as my profile banner for a good 6 months now. But some may be surprised to know that I also love the music of Paramore. Brand New Eyes was a fantastic album that slowed things down a little bit for the band after the energetic Riot!. Riot! is still a better album, but I love almost every song on this one and have listened to it close to 40 times already.
For Fans of: Hayley, Energetic and Slower Songs, Ripping Wings off Butterflies.
Best Song: Careful
My score- 9/10
#29- Back in Black by AC/DC
Easily the best AC/DC album ever. This album didn't have a single bad song on it, the guitar work was just incredible, and energy was just as high as ever. AC/DC is a great band, but even i'll admit a few of their album were just meh for me, this album is one I can still listen to and love every time though.
For Fans of: Amazing Guitar Work, Cla$$ic Rock, High Energy Songs, All Black Album Covers.
Best Song: Shoot to Thrill
My Score- 9/10.
#28- Dear Agony by Breaking Benjamin
Breaking benjamin has been one of my favorite bands for a while now and this album is by far my favorite from them. Ben Burley has such a unique voice that really gives their music a different feel to it then most current Rock music out there. The guitar work has a sort of moody and eerie kind of feel to it that really lends to the music and lyrics. OVerall its a great rock album that any fan should pick up.
For Fans of: Clean Vocals with Ocassional Screaming, Errie Guitar Work, Nothing but Good Songs, Odd Album Art.
Best Song: Crawl
My Score- 9/10.
#27- Congregation of the Damned by Atreyu
Another fantastic album recommened to me by my good friend grunt1096. I listened to it once and knew I loved it! Each song has a unique mix of Metalcore and clean vocals that makes it immediately pleasing to the ears. Some people prefer the old Atreyu, but I personally like their newer styl* that's displayed on this album. Its just a fantastic Metalcore/Rock album.
For Fans of: Newer Atreyu, Amazing Songs, Metalcore/Rock mixture.
Best Song: Bleeding is a Luxury
My Score- 9/10.
#26- Constellations by August Burns Red
Some people love "Messengers" and some people love "Constellations" I personally love both, but overall I think Constellations is a better album. The guitar work is amazing, the vocals are fierce and fantastic, and every song is great! Not to mention its got some of the coolest looking album art i've ever seen.
For Fans of: Amazing Guitars, Fierce Vocals, Amazing Album Art, Guys Flying Kites.
Best Song: Indonesia
My Score- 9/10.
So that's all for today guys. Like always please rember to listen to those songs before you comment. :) Thanks for reading. :)
~Mike 8)