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My Top 50 Favorite Albums of All Time #45-41.

Hello everyone! I hope that so far your week's have been going well, I know mine has been pretty good. Anyway enough with the talking, its time for more music! :D

#45- Them vs. You vs. Me by Finger Eleven

Now Finger Eleven wasn't a band I even knew about before this album, but it was great! What I remember most about it was that I would hear the song Paralyzer constantly on the radio and when I figured out what band played that song I just had to have the cd. To my surprise Paralyzer wasn't the only great song on the album! Its packed full of great songs and lyrics.

For Fans of: Paralyzer, Rock, Solid Rock Albums.

Best Song: Paralyzer

My Score- 8/10

#44- Graduation by Kanye West

I won't lie, I find Kanye West to be an arrogant, self-indulgent ass, but he sure does make some good music. I used to listen to this album all the time and after a few years, its one of those albums that I can pick right up and play again. I know a lot of fantastic things have been said about his new album and most of them are true, but I still feel like this was his best album and definitely my favorite from him.

For Fans of: Crazy Album Art, Good Rap, Wierd Glasses, Kanye Being an A-Hole by Hating on A-Holes.

Best Song: Flashing Lights

My Score- 8/10

#43- What Seperates Me From You by A Day to Remember

I asked for this album for Christmas last year based on a recommendation by my good friend @grunt1096 and as usual I fell in love with it. I love jsut about every song on it, and have listened to them a ton already! Plus the combination of pop/rock and metalcore vocals is just amazing! I never expected much, but they combine it in a way that just makes it sound so awesome.

For Fans of: Pop Rock/Metalcore Songs, Albums With No Bad Songs, Giving the Finger to People You Hate.

Best Song: This is the House Doubt Built

My Score- 8.5/10

#42- Deep Blue by Parkway Drive

Not only is it one of the most album covers I have ever seen, but the music is damn good to! Parkway was one of the first Metalcore bands I ever listened to and I just immediately fell in love with this album! They do sound a little harder than other bands and are a little less melodic, but that's what makes them more unique than most Metalcore bands. This album is just great from beginning to end.

For Fans of: Harder Than Usual Metalcore, Epic Songs, Head Banging for 45 Minutes Straight.

Best Song: Sleepwalker

My Score- 8/10

#41- Infinity on High by Fall Out Boy

Okay I stopped listening to these guys a long time ago, but I can't deny that this album was just fantastic! It was at a time my favorite album ever, and for good reason. All the songs on it were great and I listened to them so many times I can't even count. I may not care for them anymore, but this album will always stick with me, because of how great it was and still is.

For Fans of: Guyliner, Lead Singers Who Suck Live, An Album Amazing Songs, Pete Wentz Jumping Around On Stage.

Best Song: Thnks Fr Th Mrms

My Score- 8.5/10

So that's all for tonight guys. I hope you all enjoyed it, and please give all the songs a chance before you comment. :) Thanks for reading. :D

~Mike 8)