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New Games and Headaches Don't Mix.

So after a long day of helping a friend of mine move more stuff in his storage unit......again, I took a quick trip to Gamestop. Yes, i'm like a buying machine lately which makes my wallet empty and un-happy with me. :P I had a horrible migrane headache when I walked in so I wasn't in the greatest of moods, but I was on the prowl for deals. It being "that" time of year for Gamestop, they usually have a ton of good deals on used and new games. And what I mean by "that" time of year is that its Gamestop's annual Power Saver Sale. Today they were doing a buy 2 get 1 free deal. I quickly went and got my copy of GOW III and returned it in order to get the deal. I of course ended up with GOW III again, but I was also able to pick up 2 other games! These are those games.

#1- Castlevania Lords of Shadow Price: $26

I've been trying to get this game for a long time, but wasn't willing to pay $40-$50 for it. Problem solved! $24 after my discount at Gamestop and I felt like I got a steal! :D

#2- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt. 1 Price: Free

Sure it wasn't my first choice for a free game, but I'm a Harry potter fan and nothing else really caught my eye. It had just been dropped in price from $39.99 down to $17.99 to. I got it for free so I really don't care how much it costs. :P Plus if I don't like it I can always sell it. :P

Of course I couldn't play either game tonight due to the massive Sinus Migrane I had. :x I guess I owe an appology to my Game Night crew: theslimdavylp, envomtonix, and Wolfman_chopper for not participating tonight, but at least you all know why now.

Damn headaches.

Thanks for reading everyone. :)
