tntkng / Member

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New Stuff, Upcoming Blog, and Retiring from a Game.

Hey, guys!! Well yesterday I answered everyones questions except syler4815162342's question so before I start I will answer his. :)

#1- syler4815162342 asked: Well Mike your one of my best friends here,but I don't know much about you. So tell me about yourself.

My Answer: Okay here it goes. Well I'm 18 and I've been gaming for about 10 years now. My favorite sports are Baseball, Football, and basketball. I have played Baseball ever since I was 4 years old and I plan on trying to play it in college. My dream job, if I weren't playing baseball would be to work for Epic Games (The Gears of War Creators) :D I graduate high school in only 2 days! I plan on taking a year off and going to college next year instead of later this year,but I haven't decided yet. I started coming here about 3 years ago,but only started posting and making blogs about 8 months ago. I work almost everyday in my dad's shop were we work on American muscle cars. Well thats about it about me I think dude. :D

Alright now onto todays blog! We'll start with some new stuff I got!!

#1- Battlefield Bad Company 2

Got this for $40 bucks on Ebay and it comes with the VIP code! :D Its coming today so if you have it for 360 and want to play add me on Xbox Live! My GT is tntkng. :D

#2- Three Days Grace Band Tee

Its not me in the picture,but I'll get one with me wearing it when it comes in. :D

#3- 1600 Microsoft Points Card

With that I got the Resurgance map pack for MW2!! I still have 400 points left over, Suggestions??

Okay now to announce my next blog which will be here tomorrow or Friday. I haven't seen anyone do this kind of blog yet so I'm excited to do it! It is:

Tnt's E3 Awards Blog!

Just like my GOTY awards I will have different categories setup and I will announce my favorite game from E3 as well!! Its different then everybody else who is giving impressions of the press conferences! So I'm excited to make it and hopefully you guys will like it.. :D

Now the last part of todays blog. Now that I will be getting BC2 and I'm sure to get caught up in its multiplayer for a while. I am retiring from MW2 for a while! Now for those who know me, you know that I have played MW2 to death and I've enjoyed every moment of it,but for now its time for a break. So here are my final stats from MW2 for anyone who cares to see them. :P

MW2 Stats:

Prestige: 3rd. Prestige.

Level: Level 62.

Wins: 916

Losses: 1,299

Ties: 5

Win Streak: 13

Headshots: 1,913

Assists: 1,880

Streak: 26

Kills: 20,510

Deaths: 18,655

K/D Ratio: 1.10

W/L Ratio: 0.70

500 Kills Titles: 9 (M4A1, SCAR-H, M16A4, ACR, RPD, UMP45, MP5K, SPAS-12, Intervention)

1,000 Kills Emblems: 5 (M4A1, ACR, SCAR-H, UMP45, MP5K)

Unlocked All Attatchments: 7 (SCAR-H, ACR, UMP45, MP5K, Intervention, SPAS-12, M93 Raffica)

Time Played: 10 Days, 8 hours, 47 minutes (around 450 hours of total play.)

Okay so there are my stats guys and thats it for todays blog! Thanks for reading and I hoped you enjoyed it! If you missed yesterdays blog just go check it out for my answers to your questions! :D

~Mike 8)