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The Good, The Bad, and The Funny!

Hey, guys Mike here! Well let me go ahead and get on with the bad news. :P Well I said in my last blog that I would give my impressions on the Ninety Nine Night 2 demo. Well since my 360's hard drive is full I can't do it until tomorrow. :( Yeah thats horrible news isn't it? :P I will be reviews Green Day Rock Band's demo today though! Ok So now onto the good news! :D

You may not have known this,but because I love MW2 so much, I haven't finished a lot of the games I have right now. One of them being Mass Effect 2! Well I finally popped the game back into my disc tray and started playing again. I found that its just as awesome as the first time I played it! Its like I'm falling in love with it all over again! :D In other gaming news, I haven't even touched Red Dead in two weeks now. :cry: Why am I so intent on not playing it? The ending shouldn't have ruined the whole F***ing game for me! Well it evidently did. :( So anyway how bout some impressions?

Impressions: Green Day Rock Band.

Now for this small review I finally broke out my Guitar Hero guitar for the first time in months! This is only a review for the guitar version of the demo due to my lack of drums. First off there are only 2 songs on the demo which is slightly dissapointing. However they are great songs! The 2 songs you get are "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" and "Welcome To Paradise". Both are great songs and the fact that they allow for all difficulty levels in the demo was very nice! I played on medium then on hard. I recommend starting on hard if you play guitar hero or Rock Band regularly. Now I was having some lagging issues with the game,but that probably due to me using a GH2 guitar on the demo and not being able to calibrate it! Last,but not least the character models are replicated very well! If your a Green Day fan you'll even notice the detail in the tattoos on the arms of the band members! Another cool detail is when the song changes from a old song to a new song and the bands appearances change to match the era of the music! Overall this is one of the coolest music games I have seen yet and for Green Day fans this is a must have game this year!

Graphics: 8.5/10.0

Gameplay: 8.0/10.0

Tracklist: 9.0/10.0

Overall: 8.5/10.0

Alright so thats that now onto the last part of the title of my blog (The Funny). Well here's some funny pics. :P

That Game Sucked!! :P

Just like in MW2. :? :P

Its obviously that addictive. :lol:

Halo fans get it. :lol: :P

Well thats all from me today guys! Hope you enjoy my random as **** blog. :P Thanks for reading guys and I'll make sure to have my other impressions tomorrow. :) Oh and my editorial has been put off till next weekend or later (sorry bout that). Oh and one last thing @M0wen10 is back :D He's always been one of my best friends here and having him back is going to be great! So welcome back bud. :) :D Anyway later guys! :D

~Mike 8)