Well as you guys may know I have been counting down my top 25 Best FPS games of All Time! I have to say that the next and last 5 games you see here are definately deserving of all top 5 spots and I wouldn't have them an any different order either! So without anyfurtherwait My Top 5 Best FPS Games of All Time! Enjoy!
5. Left 4 Dead- Xbox 360- Best Zombie Game Ever and one of my favorite FPS games ever. The graphics are great and the zombies aren't as stupid as in other games. As a matter of fact they are fast, brutal, and bloodthirsty. This game is awsome to play online with friends and great to play alone as well (especially with the lights off)! Consider me Infected!
4.Bioshock - Xbox 360- This game easilly makes any list of top games I will ever play. The story is dark, the characters are interesting, its beautiful, and its scary. The story is fantastic and has awsome plot twists. Its also one of the prettiest games I have ever seen. The sound is spectacular and you are emediatlly hooked on the game as sonn as you start it!
3. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2- Xbox 360- I still can't stop playing it and I bought it 2 weeks ago! The multiplayer is phenomonal, The single player story is great, and the graphics and sound are superb as always! The set pieces are incredible and I never get tired of replaying the expertly crafted levels.This is one of the most intense gaming experiences to date and definately a must play for any FPS fan!
2. Halo Combat Evolved- Xbox- The name says it all! Halo Combat Evolved changed the way we all thought about a FPS game. It is the reason we have so many great FPS titles now. The graphics were great, the gameplay was intense, the music was incredible and fit well with the game, and the controls were the best of any FPS to date! Not to mention the addictive multiplayer which had you playing non-stop and even blowing of your girlfriends for just one more match. This was for a long time my number 1, but then came.....
1. Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare- Xbox 360- Yes it is my number 1 choice for best FPS of All Time and always will be! I was never so addicted to a game like i was with this game. I replayed the amazing single player time and time again without ever getting tired of it! I went to my friends house and played the multiplayer non-stop for several hours at a time! This game also gets the award for best looking game, Most intense game, and Best shooter ever in my book! The story was amazing and the character where all so memorable. This is the best FPS game ever made and My favorite FPS game of all time!
Hope you enjoyed the list guys! I know i enjoyed making it! Later, Guys Mike!8)