Hello everyone. Its been nearly 2 months, since my last blog and to be honest I haven't really missed it. Activity just hasn't been the same on this site the last year, and as such I just don't look forward to blogging as much as I used to. Not to say I won't ever again since i'm obviously typing this now, but I don't think i'll be doing it as frequently. I missed my oportunity to do a blog for my own Best of E3 Awards, because I sent my computer in for repairs. The repairs took almost a month, but i'm now up and running again. Anyway this blog was more or less to just say that i'm still here and I will be blogging, just not a frequently as I used to. Also I will be starting a new blog series in the coming days titled: My Top 25 Must Play Games of the Last Decade. So there is something for anyone who still reads these to look forward to. :P So i'll leave you all with this.....
Hypnotoad commands you to read my blogs!! :P
Thanks for reading everyone and have a great weekend. :)