What nonsense. All the changes changes suggested would make Fallout 4 a non Fallout game. What I have seen so far makes me not what to buy the game, way to cuties. Sure who does not want to upgrade their home base but all the rest of the stuff is nonsense.
Interesting, I notice that and walked away for Evony for that reason. The silly thing is sense I do not have a gaming computer I am stuck playing MMO. In Anno online just to get any where it requires cash. And sense most people play to win you and up spending cash. Also it just boring waiting 12 hours or more to have something done. I believe that MMOs can end up killing the PC game market just because how much money is to be made by them.
You forgot "Scotty" by BillP Studios. This program watches for changes to your system, stops pop ups. allows you to check what is running, clear your cookies and more. You can find it here; http://www.winpatrol.com. Another site to help speed up your computer is http://www.blackviper.com/. Read the amount of comments about playing on a console versus PC and you will see PC always wins.
toad1956's comments