- tocool340’s Activity
I really want to upgrade from my 2070S, but that price to performance still don't feel like it justifies plopping down +$600 to upgrade GPU's. Guess AMD is my only hope, just wish it had better perfor...
This thread is....painful to read through. Trump really does bring out the worse in people. Or perhaps it was always there, and Trump just made people more confident to be themselves...
I decided to hold off on buying that OLED modeled switch. I'll just upgrade to the switch 2 instead, depending on how expensive it is...
Have an account on Tiktok, but I've never used it beyond its creation. So there's no lost to me....
Gonna wait for AMD offering this time around. Still hoping their newest cards finally have a little bit of decent ray tracing support. If not, guess I'll be going with Nvidia once again. I have a RTX ...
Well, not quite $20. But I do see it for $25....
@Maroxad said:@LJS9502_basic said: @Maroxad said: Yes, Ignorance played a part of it.Its no surprise the people who think still think COVID originated from a lab overwhelmingly voted for a certain ca...
@silentchief said:No but I will enjoy having competent leaders Trump, competent? Is this satire? There was very little that was competent about that man when he was in office. From domestic problems l...
@silentchief said: @LJS9502_basic said: @Maroxad: No doubt he's going to crash the economy. Republican politicians better decide to stand up to Trump. And Americans need to stop believing what a polit...
House, although I'm not sure how long we're gonna be here. The mortgage is steady rising...
@uninspiredcup said:Evil isn't happy.Good.....I can't tell if they are being genuine or joking. I'm really hoping they are not serious...
Neutral, borderline unhappy about how things are going in my life. Even though the job I have is paying $65k, with raises every year, I miss having a healthy social life, peace, and not being at the ...
This gets better and better. It's going to be one of the most entertaining presidential terms in recent history. This is either going to be an absolute monumental catastrophic failure, and we're all d...
Long ago when I was curious on the subject. Got as close as revelations before it eventually started losing my interested and I stopped reading....
Nope. I grew up in a very vocal christian family, but religion has never interested me. (Gnostic) Atheist would be what I define myself as...
Sure. I went to 3 different strip clubs in the span of one month almost 10 years ago looking for the perfect strip club experience while also celebrating my birthday. Two of those clubs were actually ...
@Maroxad said: @LJS9502_basic No Child Left Behind was a terrible policy :(Absolutely. 100% agreed. I mean, I get what they were trying, but it hardly worked. And I had to live through it...>_>
Kinda. Not sure how my debit card info was compromised (Although I could take a guess. Most likely, a credit card reader at the pump of a gas station that I visited most likely was tampered with), but...
Years ago, I did. Use to sit around 3500-4000 calories a day. I've slowed down in recent times though. I was one of those slim guys that ate a lot but hardly ever gain much weight. I used to piss off ...
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