Halo Reach Looks AMAZING!!! I might just have to step back into my youth days and replay halo1-2
I Still remember playing Halo for the 1st time, my homie, came over with his xbox, and brought, we played co op all damn night, I was hooked, Ive never played a great FPS since Golden Eye for the N64.
Then Came Halo 2, I was still in Highschool when They released it, I beged my mom to pull me out early, just so I can get to Gamestop and pick it up, before Their was a long line. So finally after 5th period I get anote to leave early, I head ot my bus stop, waiting, jumping up and down lol. and I see my friend drive by, at the exact moment I got to the stop. IT WAS FATE!! they pick me up take me to get the game, since they just got theres. It was a pretty good line to get the game. But Once it was in your hands, I felt damn good. We didnt even play the story, We jumped right into multiplayer. 16 friends, 4 tvs, 4 xboxs. Played all night and all next morning LAMO.
I dont even remember the story anymore. I havent played Halo 3 in Ages. And I feel like If I play reach I might miss out on certian things, then again isnt it set before the 1st Halo?
Anyways just wanted to write down what I think Will be a great game!!!!
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