I got 6 weeks free at blockbuster.co.uk so I have been watching a load of films lately which made me ask myself a question. What are my favourite films? Well I thought long and hard about it and I have finally compiled a list of my favourite ten films.
10. The Matrix: Mindblowing action epic. Reloaded highly recommended but miss Revolutions unless you want to see the ending.
9.Goldeneye: Without a doubt the greatest bond film ever made. Brosnan was perfect and was the main reason why this film worked.
8.Casablanca: Im not just putting this in to look like a buff, I really did enjoy watching this beautiful film. Humphrey Bogart is a legend.
7. Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels: The quintessential British film. Funny, exciting, imaginative, this stands up to the best of Scorcese's work. Shame his other films are rubbish.
6.Scarface: Mostly overlooked by critics but loved by a majority of average film-lovers who have seen this film. The ultimate rags -to-riches story with a purpose.
5.Goodfellas: One of the most entertaining two hours ive ever had watching this film. Actually made me scared of a 5 foot 50 year old guy (Joe Pesci) thats how effective this film is.
4.The Godfather: Only above Goodfellas because of its superior acting.Other than that it doesnt have much so good job it packs the greatest acting ive ever seen into the film.
3.Pulp Fiction:You just have to love the dialogue in this film, its so damn funny, in a dark kind of way. Just a really intelligent, amazing film.
2. Lord of the Rings: The Return Of The King: Simply made to perfection. A three hour journey into the most incredible world this generation has ever seen.
1. Die Hard: Just the best film ever created. In my eyes it is perfect in every way. As is usual for peoples favourite films, I hated the two sequels. Lets just hope that Die Hard 4.0 is any good.
Honourable Mentions: Dodgeball, Ali G Indahouse, Dirty Harry, Matrix Reloaded, The Godfather Part 2, Casino Royale, Matrix Reloaded, Star Wars episode 4 and 5, Glengarry Glenross, Mission Impossible and The Shawshank Redemption among others