Now heres my favourite PS1 games of all time.
10.Driver 2 8.6 A step down from Driver 1, but a great game nevertheless
9.Smackdown 2 8.8 Probaly the best Smackdown to date, annd theres been 7!
8.GTA London 8.9 This is just plain fun
7.Gran Turismo 9.0 A very, very good driving game
6.Ape Escape 9.0 This is innovativity at its finest
5.Rayman 9.1 My first ever game, aah the memories.....
4.Crash Bandicoot 2 9.2 The finest Crash and probaly the finest platformer ever on the PS1
3.Driver 9.3 If you have never drove a car before, dont, get this instead.
2.Tekken 3 9.6 The best fighting game of all time
1. Metal Gear Solid 9.9 This is not a game, this is an experience
post in if you want