I just got twilight princess(Wii) for xmas and was psyched to try it out. There was the basic char. background and preliminary training. All that is great. Then comes the point where you have to go fishing. In the real world I don't like fishing. It rates right up there with golf and root canals. But I digress.
Why must it be so __ing diffficult to catch fish. Finally after the first four hours. Yes four hours I got one and was releived only to do what the screen said and hit A which threw it back in. At this point I screamed and continued. Like the proverbial man lost and unwilling to ask for directions.
Finally, another one and a half hours later. I caught another one. I know I have to drop it for the cat but nothing tells you you have to hit B to do that. SO, by spastic cramp or just good luck causing me to do so the little kitty grabbed it and I was finally able to make forward progress. Huzzah I say
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