If you are looking at this page you obviously aren't playing games right now. And why is it that you aren't playing games? Chances are good that like me you are too poor to get the newest and greatest games. I found a way, partially, to remedy that situation. There is a site calles SwagBucks that gives you rewards for searching the web. Now, I mysaelf am fairly skeptical of these kind of things, but this one 1) actually works and 2) never asks for any credit card or other personal information, other than your mailing address so they can send any material prizes to you. One of my favorite prizes is the $5 amazon.com gift card, accumulate a few of those and your game problem is solved.
Now here's how you earn points.
1) make an account
2) search the internet, you don't get "points" for every search, I usually search about 3x per dar, in the morning noon and night until I get a point.
3) You can complete special offers, I never do but you can. There is the "no obligation" offer that gives you a buck per week for looking through a few stupid adds.
4) Almost every day there is a "special code" given out on one of their websites that gives you a buck.
Now, I'm not going to say that this process is fast, it usually takes me 2 weeks to earn a $5 gift card, but it is easy and I jsut do it every now and then.
If your interested sigh up here,
Yes I do get a "kick back" for getting you to sign up, but it doesn't penalize you at all and you'd be helping me out.