tonitrus_acutus' forum posts
Well that structure has been working for a long time, the next one might be the same, unless Myamoto surprises us.WR_Platinum
Didn't Miyamoto state that Twilight Princess was the last traditional Zelda game. If this is true, then I'd be a bit happier.
I agree that the structure does work, but it has been getting a bit stale.
[QUOTE="SuperSmashBro1"]You forgot:find A new item in the next temple,use it to defeat the boss in the temple.alphamale1989Yeah, and I really couln't imagine a Zelda game that wasn't like that. It makes perfect sense- you get a new toy and you want to use it to kill something real big.
This is another thing I sometimes have a problem with. Often, the items you get have limited use. E.g.: The wand from TP, the spinner from TP.
The wand was used quite a lot in its dungeon, but mostly in that dungeon alone. I know it was important in the story, but it did very little for the gameplay. The spinner was one of my favorite new items, unfortunately, it also had little use. The problem with these two items was that they interacted only with a specific element in the world, the statues for the wand and the rails for the spinner.
He was doing the running one which is really hard to get 4 stars. And he did the path where you follow the dog. He only got 37%. Than he started complaining "This is impossible, how'd you get two stars, you always do everything better then me." Then I said stop complaining it's a hard game. You weren't even staying close with the trainer.
Then he throws the controller on the couch and says shut up you always do better then me and complain. Then runs off to the living room leaving the game on.
Btw my brother always complains he is fat and is really annoying and he is barely over the line of normal into overweight. It's not like he's freakin 400 pounds. He is only 160. He is so freakin annoying I wanna smack some common sense into him. And he always praises me and whines that im better than him and skinnier than him.
If you ask me, these sound like excuses for him not to try harder. Now as to what you should do about them, I'm not exactly sure. Perhaps you could make some accusations, egg him on, basically try to get him to try to "beat" you.
As people on here already said, SMG's and The Conduit's styles are way too different to directly compare. As for having the best graphics on the wii, probably not. I would put my money on Factor 5's project. They have experience in squeezing the power out of Nintendo's consoles and they've proven it with the Gamecube.
Umm the Wii has a great shooter already ever heard of Red Steel? =Pfries021
Red Steel, a great shooter?
You must not have experienced any good shooters.
Hmm. I agree with those people who mentioned the constant recycling of items in the Zelda series. It's startingto get a bit monotonous. Some of the new items they added to TP had very limited use.
The spinner was only useful for the rails and those things you have to screw.
That wandcould only be used to control those ancient statues.
And the horseshoe flute... ugh. Please nintendo,bring back proper instruments (the ocarina perhaps).
If you ask me, they should haveexpanded their uses and allow for some creativity.
Maybe the wand could have temporarily controlled enemies.
Maybe the spinner could have run on magic (if they had put it in the game) and constantly go at full speed and cause uber damage. Even better, they could have made it like a skateboard so we could grind on anything we wanted. Could also make a great minigame.
I also think they should add in different difficulty settings. I know they're aiming more for the casual gamers (or non-gamers) but they shouldn't have to choose between them and us hardcore gamers.
The trouble with that is it would potentially increase the Wiimote's operating distance, since the camera in the Wiimote (the REAL sensor... the "sensor bar" is just a set of IR lights) would have to be able to sense all the points.ThePlothole
Yes, I forgot about that. Maybe if they were to widen the range of the IR sensor, it might work. Of course, no changes like this will be made during the Wii's lifespan, but for the next one it migh tbe a good idea.
Or perhaps they could just rewrite the program for the cursor to make it more accurate.
The Wii Remote is supposed tobe able to detect it's distance from the sensor bar by using the distance between the IR lights. Using that, they should at least be able to fix the scaling problem; maybe it will be even more accurate if it asks for the TV size.
@TC I think that would work, but 4 sensors is a bit excessive. I think we'd only need 2 at the most. one on the bottom and one on the top.
i dont care about graphics. i want motion enhancements all they do with most wii games is replace a button press with a wiimote swing and add aiming.
wiimote swing = ps2 X button
wiimote swing = ps2 X button?
I don't think that's enough. The Wii Remote is supposed to be the handle for whatever we're using in game. Motions done by the on-screen object should correspond to the motions done with the Wii Remote. If by"add aiming" that's what you mean, then I agree that it would really would help.
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