i hope for the next patch, microsoft will make the caches for each games visible in the memory sections. i wouldn't like having to erase the caches for all games just because one of the caches of a game is corrupted. my friends once has a corrupted gta 4: tlad caches, which causes him not being able to do a mission, and had to erase every caches, it's a hassle. microsoft should make gamer pics, themes and avatar items free, it's really unfair business to charge for this things. also, $200 for an arcade sku is not a value buy. they should include a 20gb at the very least, and if they're generous enough, a composite cable.
so, what do you want for the xbox 360?
I want a Blueray player designed for the xbox in which you can play games for xbox with massive disk space, that would allow much bigger games. Also nice would be an internet explorer for the system, since i got a messenger kit it would be perfect. I also would apreciate it a lot if they would make patches and addons free to download if you can download them free on a pc version, that annoys me most. Blueray is too slow for gaming, they should come up with some better option that is much faster then the blueray.
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