@Sushiglutton: I have gamepass for my PC and its of good value for sure. For me I'm going with PS5 for exclusives and my PC for everything else. I do have 3 XsX and Ps5's on order also for my kids.
Tonycapil's forum posts
People have to stop the false narrative that indie games are simple/low budget 2d/3d games. Ryse is an indie game yet people still believe Ori is an indie game.😂🤣
When you compare budget sizes compared to AAA, then yes they are of a lower budget monetary wise. Literally. With that being said, I'm not saying that indie games are not of quality or fun at all. Ryse was a real shitty repetitive game to be honest.
Let’s be real here. Both systems will not be playing games at 4K 120 unless they are indie games that don’t require a lot of power from either system. We are more likely looking at 1440 120 for this gen with AAA games and therefore you won’t need a hdmi 2.1 cable for that.
Unfortunately fanboys are blinded by this reality which renders the entire post useless. Enjoy pac-man at 120fps to take advantage of the 120hz lmfao.
GT: DaimyoMeta
Region US West Coast/ Las Vegas
Games: Gears, Path of Exiles, and others.
New to xbox since I last owned a 360 and now purchased a One X. Looking for respectful mature friends to casually game/chat with.
I sort of suck at gaming so don't expect a pro-competitor.. hahah
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