So we did it old old school tonite. Rather then play some video games, watch movies, or just vegitate in front of the television, four other people gathered in my room and we read to one another. It was very dead poets society like, except way way scarier. We read from this book called "Danny's Bed," a true story about a haunted home in Savannah, Georgia. We had all the lights off except for this camping lantern that I own. Every couple of pages we would pass the book back and forth and read it.
I did put some spooky Pink Floyd music in the background to add a audible (besides our voices) element. Overall, everyone played along really well and got into the story. It was probably the first time in a long while (maybe even middle school?) where I had someone read to me. There were plenty of times where I was scared crapless just thinking about the family living in that haunted house.
Overall, we had a blast. We're reading a chapter a night, so tommorrow will be full of ghosts and goblins too.
Oh yeah...if you happen to read my journal, don't be affraid to post a small comment or two. I'd love to hear what ya'll think about my little anecdotes and quips.