Now if she cited Family Guy and The Simpsons, then yes she would have a good point of how masculinity in films is treated like a joke or as if it's an evil thing, or that all father figures are dumb.
I agree and it's interesting how both of those shows are Fox programming. Another one is Raymond but I find them all hilarious. The only place a young male is going to learn how to be a man is from his dad or other men in their life. The high rate of divorce is probably a much larger issue then TV portraying men poorly. I think men have been failing the younger generation to some degree but you can't blame it all on the media.
My post limit has been reached and the following was added just before reading the post below but obviously we are in agreement again. Also should women be free from blame? They have a lot of influence within the family unit in how they treat their husbands and how they raise their sons.
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