@Kalan_Arkais @too_handsome I'm sure it's a great game. First person view mode is just a turn off for me, personally. I can never get into them. I have tried many times; Thieves, Elder Scrolls, Far Cry, Dead Island, and numerous other titles. I just can't get into them.
@bloodybonesbr It's a decent game....but I agree with the user score of 7/10. It's not a great game like Dragon Age: Origin. Beside the main story....which is not even that great...you're just playing a lame single player MMORPG. Go here, kill that, bring me the fur and I'll pay you this much....No real RPG elements such as, "Oh you need the fur the cure your sick child? How about I exploit that because I'm a jerk." or "I feel bad so you can have the fur for free."
As a game in general, it's quite a good game; well done and easily score 8/10. But as a PC RPG, it's mediocre at best. As a long time fan of PC RPG, I would give this a 6/10 at BEST.
Modern FPS? Old FPS??? What is all this non-sense....the whole FPS genre have made MINIMAL changes in the last decade and a half. All that were done was add some random RPG element (classes, character level, etc). It's the same crap it has always been with different skins each iteration with a different name and claiming to be a different "game."
It is underrated, but not by that much. I love RPG's but this game is so poorly made. Personally I would give this a 6/10 at most. It just seems like one of those made for console port to PC type of game. Highly disappointed.
Too_Handsome's comments