Seriously, WTF gave bungie the idea to turn halo2 into a linear run of the mill shooter. Same thing with halo3. I remember playing halo in 2001 and thinking that was the best FPS I've ever played, or for that matter, will ever play. The game, save for a few repetive levels, was perfect, and should be considered one of the greatest games of all time. Halo2 and 3 however, my god, horrible. I was ready to snap when I played though halo3 a couple months ago, and the ending made me want to slap an orphan. Talk about a serious downgrade in quality from halo all the way down to halo3. And now they want to charge ten bucks for 3 new maps this soon after launch? C'mon, your maps that first shipped with the game were bad enough (by far the worst in the series) now you *****bags want more of my money? psshhhhhhh ninjaxams
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