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Dead Space Update

All right I am in the middle of chapter 7...stuck on a part were i have to do something with this big asteroid.  I think everynight or two while I'm playing the game I will do a quick blog on one aspect or part of teh game for tonight lets go with the navigation system in the game.


You can easily find the next objective in Dead Space bu clicking down teh right stick.  Issac uses his kinesis power and marks a line to where the next objective is.  I havent seen this type of percise navigation in too many games.  With that said I am kind of mixed about how effective it is, it is too effective.  The system has taken a lot of down time out of thr game while trying to find objectives, and it makes the game too linear.  It is however very good in keeping the action of the game flowing.  I am just not a big fan of the navigation, it seems to me like dumbing the game down, but it is effective non the less.