If you guys havent had a chance to check out fallout 3 yet amazon.com has the xbox 360 collectors edition on sale for only 49$, which is 30$ off of the regular 80$. I picked it up, and it will be my last game for awhile....right now the cheapest used copies are selling for 75$, so If i sell it at a later date I will break even or make money. If I like it I prolly wont sell it.
Today I played a little Dragon Ball Origins, and I am about 75% done now.
I also got a couple of games in the mail that I had mentioned previously, and one being fifa 08 on teh 360. I played a little online with that, and have an online record of 25-and something i forget but win percentage is 70%
I also played a little fifa and alot of gta 4 online with my cousin, and we are trying to get the online ps3 trophies for gta this week.
Well thats about it