Hello everyone!!!
Like always, appearing from the shadow to remind you of my little existence! I think of you all the time!! :)
So what's new here?
1/ I'm getting off the meds, gradually. In about 3 weeks, I'll be able to eat plenty of broccoli, and persil (parsley) without having them interfering with the treatment! Ain't that great? :D
2/ Last week, I started to train at the gym again. They have this new concept where while in the spinning class, you can monitor your heart rate. You wear a device on the chest and look at the numbers on the big screen behind the instructor. It's a great concept. You have a total control of your effort. They already had a scale where you could know what heart rate zone you should be in according to the intensity of the exercise, and how you should feel (easy to do, very hard, hurting, you can no longer talk to your peers as you use all the oxygen, etc.) and for each zone of the session, you had the number of the zone. Now, we actually can check with numbers and control how much effort you make along the way.
So I discovered my highest heart rate: 174 bpm. I'll try to do better at the next session! Then, I’ll actually will enter my own data (highest heart rate and age). :)
And I started again weight training. A group class where we use weights on a steel bar. It's so much fun!! 55 minutes training the whole body! But after about 8 months without training those muscles, the awakening was rude. I knew I had to lower my expectations in terms of how much I could handle, and it was verified. But the worse came from the days after. I don't remember having those pains after my first ever session. Maybe I used less weight back then. But I can tell you, I trained on the Saturday, went dancing the whole night, and could barely walk until the Wednesday. It really is now that the muscles on the back of my thighs feel normal. But I am ok with that pain. I'll balance better tomorrow, stretch much more after the class and it will be fine.
3/ Talking about legs: any of you have this phenomenon of itchy legs going on? It happens to me after I have been walking at moderately fast to high speed for around 10 minutes, going down a little slope. The higher the angle (going more down) the more uncomfortable the itching becomes. It starts close to the ankles and goes up both legs until the hips, a bit above the hips. It only takes 5-10 minutes to get both entirely legs itching like hell! You feel like you want to scratch, but if you do, it makes it worse!!! The only relieves are when you stop for about 5 minutes or if the start climbing up. I had this today on the way to the doctor. I had to run in order to arrive faster, which made the whole experience torture... My doc was amazed over the phenomenon and I'm set to medical tests with a specialist in a near future. I hope to find some answers. I googled "itchy legs" and I know I am not the only one having this problem.
I wanted to let you hear some of the music I listen to while working, but the server won't let me upload it today. So here is a little pic to look for the 4-leaves one. (click to enlarge the pic).
Do you see it?
Come on… Try again…
Adios mes amis!! Lots of LOVE!!
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