PC gamers have nothing to fear. They really went all out with the features. direct x 11, FOV slider, a lot of graphics options, different sensitivity for hip-shooting and scope shooting is a good one. customisable cross hairs and fully rebindable keys and hotkeys for weapons, gear and grenades. it's just awesome
Tribes: Ascend is an obvious one. Blacklight Retribution is also a lot of fun(no campers thank god). Bloodline Champions is really fun with friends, and more skill based than LoL will ever be.
wether you take a game like this seriously or not doesn't depend an age entirely. this make it sound like that all under 17 will have the illusion of that, that is how the world works and that is absolutely absurd. i respect the people who grade these games, afterall that is their job. but sometimes mentallity and intelligence plays a big part too. that where the parent's need to take responsibility of checking up on a game, before giving to their children, instead of just going out and protesting an all that stuff. despite all that it's a great article. good work gamespot staff :)
torquefang's comments