silent hill game completed
by torsoman3eb on Comments
So finally me and aubrey completed all the silent hill games for ps2. cause we just happened to find all of them about 2 months ago at a game crazy 20 minutes away from our town. but anyways one thing i do have to say is the further we got, like as in whenever we beat one and went to the next the game play seemed to get more boring. Silent hill 2 is probably the better of the three. good storyline and great game play and is probably the scariest(visually silent hill 4 was scariest) but yeah. silent hill 3 the story was blah but i liked the weapons and the game play was good but its very short and the boss battle was well hard but too simple. and then silent hill 4 was longer then the rest but it just kept going and going and would repeat soooo much. only thing i liked about 4 was the visuals and the story. although confusing at times. so if this is the case i hope silent hill 5 will not continue this trend and make a good game for next gen consoles. but i can only wish.