On Sunday i thought i am going to check game and gamestation to see what company sells Far cry 2 cheapest, then i found out it was Gamestation. I ordered the game for £2.99. I thought that was a good deal and it comes within 1-2 business days. So i thought to myself, It will be here by Tuesday i think. It didn't come pn Tuesday....So i thought if i didn't come then, it most definatley will come on Wedensday (Today)....and did it come? no. It is really annoying because it has never come late before except for the last game i bought from game about 1 week ago. It came about 3 days late for some reason and that was the first time it was late, and now it has happened again. Hmmmm :/. It really should come tomorrow because if it don't, how am i suppose to rely on them to deliver a game like Gears of war 3 or Fifa 12 when i pre-order them? I want to know i can trust them to bring it to me on time. I hope this is the last time it happens...for a while at least.
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