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Skyrim in 7 days time!

Hey everybody, i'm back! I haven't been on Gamespot for quite a while now and it's all because of my computer -_-. It's been messing up a LOT! Really annoying. So, i just wanted to wright a blog to talk about the new game coming out that is Skyrim. Now My first ever Elder scrolls game was Oblivion, and when i got that game in 2006 i was shocked to see how good the game was back then and still is! It's 5 years old, but still a really good game to play. I loved the game so much and out of every amazing game out there, The Elder scrolls make the perfect game! Elder scroll games are my favorite games without a doubt. Oblivion was just a masterpiece and it still is. I have been watching videos all the time of Skyrim. I am so excited for this game! It is going to be my most anticipated game this year by far! Scratch that, my most anticipated game of all time!!! RPG's are my favorite type of games, but know one makes RPG's like Bethesda. I can not believe that there is just 7 more days to go until Skyrim! Who know's, i might even get it on Thursday because i have pre-ordered it. I am going to be writing a Blog everyday for the next 7 days and wish to be very active in the Skyrim forums for this special occasion. Hopefully my computer doesn't start to bug out again. Anyway, i had to post a blog because i am super excited about next week. I will see you guys...later ;)