Decrate Posted Feb 9, 2010 2:34 am PT "so even after 5 rounds of the same thing over and over, the 360 still wins?" well thats because they keep showing games that are not coded for PS3s abilty to use its CPU to augment its GPU or use massive data sets thanks to BR as it was intended. multiplatforms will always be equil at best. to show PS3 advantages you need to write software for it. for that you need show games like KZ2 U2 GT5 GOWIII basicly PS3 exclusives prove it it infact more powerfull... anyone up for a 256player game?
"We captured the following shots at 720p across both consoles directly over HDMI using the Matrox MXO2 Mini. We enabled full HDMI range on the PS3. Each game has six sets of rollover images. The first image is a full screenshot set resized to fit the width of the page, followed by a zoomed-in image set that we created by cropping the original screen grabs to show you how the games look at a 1:1 pixel ratio. The following images work in the same pattern. Mouse over the captions to swap the images back and forth." all the super white and deep color setting are useless if your veiwing the images on a PC... so once again the PS3 advanteges are not being displayed. how do you guys plan on doing comaprisions this summer when PS3 gets its 3D FW update?
On multiplatform games like this there is often so little differance its not even worth comparing. but when you compare exclusives the fact that PS3s CPU can perform GPU task to supplement RSXs shortcomings you quickly see the differance. when yo look at games like KZ2, U2 GOWIII and GT5 there is no doubt the PS3 is the grafix machine of choice... no to mention 3D support coming this summer.
Reason 11: it will make you a better human being! This world needs a little less Deathmatch and a little more Co-oP while other console's are making cartoon avitars and profanity spewing space marines, PS3 is helping humanity. When they start the folding at home for PS3 just think to yourself, it could save you from testicular cancer!? PS3 literaly could save your left nut! Join the Folding at home project as soon as you can! [url][/url]
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