@sammoth @coolguyhero It's not worth responding to jealous PS4 fanboys sammoth, they don't have a great driving game at all or anything else for that matter.
This looks great and will look even better on your own set ups at home, these vids and ones on youtube don't do it justice, but you can tell from the vids how much more colourful and realistic it is. Forza 4 is a good looking game but the new drivatar system will make single player career a pleasure instead of a bit of a grind, I'm going to be spending a lot of time on this great release title.
@dani_i89 Well said, this was supposed to be the best exclusive for PS4, oh dear. Call Of Duty was running 720p after all and has a very poor frame rate, GT6 on PS3 so no decent driving game, Xbox One looking a good choice at the moment.
@Daian PS4 doesn't pack enough punch either then if you look at Call Of Duty framerate problems on PS4, keeps dropping to about 15 fps when a lot is going on.
@tom2750 @2tonjunk @Daian Xbox One version does look better, look at the comparison video's on Youtube, If you still don't think so then you should have gone to Specsavers or you are a PS4 fanboy.
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