Am I the only one who thinks It would be awesome if you could play multi-player virtual console games online it'd be great with mario kart and wave race..... whats your thoughts on the topic
Hey Everyone, I was just wondering what all your thoughts on the Virtual Console System, and be sure to leave a couple of your favorite games and why you like them, I personally like "Punch Out," "Streets Of Rage 2," "Gunstar Heroes," "Paper Mario," "Super Metroid," and "Contra III: The Alien Wars."
Anyone looking for a friend on guitar hero ADD ME AND LEAVE YOUR FRIEND CODE ill be sure to get back to you, my friend code is 3394 1770 1776. You NEED to add me in order for us to appear as friends I look forward to playing you soon
I'm positive that if they remade FF7 it they wouldn't let us down. It'd definetly be a best seller and it would give me a reason to buy a PS3, can I get an amen?
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