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#1 trex24
Member since 2005 • 33 Posts

Thanks, gamers, for the posts. Please sign the petitions and ask your friends too, especially if you are even considering purchasing a Bethesda game in the future. They need to put in place a competent QA test department and run all of their games through it. If a bug is reported by that team or (worse) by the public after release they need to fix it, not ignore it and ship the game anyway and do no after sale support.

Thanks for the example of bugs in other Bethesda games I haven't played. This proves that this policy of Bethesda not supporting their customers with fixes to reported bugs is widespread, and likely a cost saving move on the companies part. It may save them the costs of diagnosing and distributing patches for their games and DLC, but it is costing them many customers as well.

I hope that this company fares the worst of any game developer this year--at least until they get the message that they can no longer defraud once loyal customers out of their hard earned money for overpriced (considering its lack of quality) games and related DLC.

It would be nice if we could all go back and demand our money back for Fallout 3 and the DLC for its numerous bugs on the PS3, but I think they will cite company policy to prevent that from happening. Actually its not the retailer's fault--it's Bethesda's, however Sony continues to sell the buggy unpatched DLC on the Playstation Network after me and several others asked for refunds because of the bugs. That is bad business policy. Once you are notified you are selling a defective product you should pull it off the shelves so to speak, and notify the supplier (Bugthesda) that you will no longer accept their products for sale to the public until they are rigorously QA tested to eliminate bugs.

Of course, most software will have a small bug here or there after delivery that can be easily patched by the developer, but Bugthesda's games are bug riddled and they know about the defects as people like myself have reported them to them, however they just pretend they don't exist and don't even try to fix the problems as they apparently believe about their customers that bought their games and DLC what P.T. Barnum said: "There is a sucker born every minute."

We need to not be taken for suckers ever again by Bugthesda and refuse to by any of their games and DLC until they have made things right for their receently defrauded customers on FO3, Oblivion, etc.

And Sony Playstation and all retailers should pull their games with bugs (as far as I know, that is all of the recent ones) and ship them back and only stock games from them again when their games have been independently certified by an outside QA testing company as bug free after going through Bugthesda's pathetic (and maybe non-existent) QA testing department.

Unless Bugthesda gets the message and responds to the petitions with a newly put in place QA testing department that will begin to patch the many bugs in each Bugthesda title, and/or the company gives people their money back for past defective product shipped (like FO3 and DLC for PS3), then we should all hope people boycott their games and the company goes bankrupt.

In than situation, no one should fear a Bugthesda title will also die with the miscreant company--a company would by the rights for pennies on the dollar in bankruptcy court--any other company that buys it will have a far better QA testing department than defunct Bugthesda had in such a situation.

I'm thinking Bugthesda has no QA testing department, and just sends the games out straight from the programmers as "self QA tested" because they are so cheap and want to get maximum profits from hoodwinked customers by such short cutting of critical QA testin processes to the game player experience.

I hope no one hires anyone with "I was a QA tester at Bethesda" any time soon, for the aforementioned reasons, if their are/were such people at Bugthesda. They did a horrible job.

Of course, if any QA testers worked there and did their jobs of reporting defects to the programmers and management that management refused to fix, then please post here your experience. That would explain a lot.

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#2 trex24
Member since 2005 • 33 Posts

Huge fanbase, but it will be less if they don't get competent QA testers (if they have any at all). Even the main Fallout 3 game had freezing issues and places you would get stuck in and couldn't jump out of so you had to reset the game and lose progress that seriously detracted from gameplay.

Never played Elder Scrolls, so I don't know how buggy or not it is. The PS3 Fallout 3 DLC I believe set a new standard for most buggy game released in recent years. At over $60 for all five DLCs, there is no excuse for suchbuggy add-ons.

Bethesda may think they will escape the consequences of putting customers last and cheaping out or not performing at all QA testing for the PS3, but I think there are many that were bit anddefrauded by this that will not buy a Bethesda title until they come out and publicly promise they haveput in place a rigorous QA testing process for all of their games and DLC, and that they support their games after delivery (patches, etc.)

Too risky to buy anything from them otherwise. There are other studios that actually QA test their games before delivery because they care about their customer's gaming experience and want them to be returning customers.

I posted my petitions in the Bethesda forums and I got banned until the end of 2031. I guess I'll repost them there when that date rolls around, LOL.

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#3 trex24
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They need to listen or their next game will be a money loser and tank the company.

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#4 trex24
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Thanks, JonnyEarthQuake, please ask your friends to do so too.

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#5 trex24
Member since 2005 • 33 Posts

I loved Fallout 3 and got the Platty for it, but I got robbed on the DLC for it released to PS3 several months after Microsoft would let them release it to the XBOX competition. The most buggy DLC ever. Never finished Point Lookout because it locks up my PS3 withing a few minutes of starting it. The Pitt was almost as bad (less than 1 fps in areas like the foundry). Playing that DLC was torture, not fun at all, although Mothership Zeta was almost bug free compared to the infested rest. Need to get my money back for at least Point Lookout. Playing The Pitt and Point Lookout may have bricked my first PS3 because the overuse of the graphics chip by bad programming during the 1 fps section I think fried the system I had had for years. $200 to get a refurbed one, and Point Lookout freezes on it as well. Obviously a Bethesda screw up. Maybe they wanted to release DLC that would brick PS3s as they are pro XBOX bribes.

Here are my petitions in case others have had similar problems with Fallout 3 DLC, to this date unaddressed by Bethesda. Needless to say, I will not be buying the next Fallout because of the $60+ they ripped me off for buggy DLC after buying the original game:

(4 siggys already on that page for the Fire BQA petition (if they have any QA testers, that is.)

(sigs so far for BUGGY DLC petition)

Here ia a similar petition from other screwed over gamers:

Other games arebug free compared to Bethesda's work. Never had to hard reset the system once on other games. I lost count of how many hard resets I had to do on FO3 and DLC before it bricked my system.

Please sign one or more of my petitions and maybe we'll get our money back for Buggy FO3 PS3 DLC, get a real QA department put in place at Bethesda, an apology from their CEO, or at least a patch to make the PS3 DLC playable. Called Sony Playstation store but they continue to sell it and say it is not their responsibility for a refund if the software you buy on their site is buggy and unplayable like FO3 PS3 DLC. Maybe these petitions will get Bethesda to support their software, and at least test it before releasing it on a console with a QA department that knows what they are doing.

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#6 trex24
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LOL. Sony saysthe refurbed PS3 was shipped early yesterday (the 31st) and still no record of it in the UPS system as of now. Here we go again. Maybe I'll get my PS3 by 2011 with "UPS 3 Day Select". Maybe they can make it three for three for late deliveries during this PS3 repair process. (Box shipped to me late, shipment of system in box to Sony late, andshipment of refurbed system from Sony to me late).

Did you get your receiver in time to use it New Years Eve?

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#7 trex24
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That's pretty messed up man. A little update on my story: at 4 o'clock this afternoon, the package arrived in Spokane, Washington. I live in Seattle, Washington. When I saw it arrive in Spokane on the tracking info, I thought "well, damn, this could very well be here Wednesday or Thursday". The package leaves Spokane and goes to Portland, Oregon. Yes, the package leaves my state and goes away. After it arrives in Portland, Oregon - it departs. Six hours later, it arrives. But where does it arrive to? Portland, Oregon! How does that make sense? The package left and went back? UPS doesn't make any sense.KHAndAnime

Right KHAndAnime. I hope my post gave you further details on how they screwed you and me. That's messed up. I can understand UPS Ground going the most inefficient way and taking far longer than you expected/were promised, but not3 Day Select. I think I'll stick with USPS or Fed Ex. They didn't screw me for all of the holiday gifts I bought--all arrived by the 24th. I suppose I owe alot to the people I bought the stuff from knowing they were Christmas gifts even though I didin't tell them so, so they shipped the packages by other methods than UPS to ensure I got them before the holiday. Got to hand it to Fed Ex. They even delivered something in a rented truck. At least they do what it takes to keep their promises. I guess you have until tomorrow and then you're out of luck if it doesn't arrive. Read the fine print from UPS in my post, and it appears you don't have much chance to get it on the 31st, and no chance on the 1st.

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#8 trex24
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I'm really POed at UPS as well. Sony charged me $29 for shipping and I mailed my PS3 to their repair center in Laredo, TX on December 23rd, 12:16PM from a UPS store 3 Day Select.

UPS picked it up that day at 4:42 PM, it arrived in the town of Pacific abt 20 miles away at 9:46PM that day, and arrived in Seattle (abt 20 miles away) at 10:14 PM. Itleft Seattle at 6:52 AM the 24th, and arrived in Kentucky the same day at 2:05PM (must have flown). Then it sat somewhere for over five days, andmysteriously left Kentucky without being scanned and arrived in Dallas TX without being scanned during those five days. On the 29th, it left Dallas at 5:09 PM andgot to San Antonio TX at 10:45PM that day. About 20 minutes ago (the 30th now) it left San Antonio, supposed destination (if it doesn't fall into a black hole for another five days) Laredo TX later today, Home of MTC, Sony's repair facility, where undocumented workers will hopefully start repairing my PS3. Here is the tracking info thusfar if you don't believe me:


I think I got screwed by UPS. Notice the below:

Rescheduled Delivery Date: 12/30/2009 Shipped To: LAREDO, TX,, US Type: Package Service: 3 DAY SELECT Weight: 13.00 Lbs

"Rescheduled Delivery Date?" WTF happened to the originally scheduled delivery date and why was it changed? No clue from the UPS site.

Of course, UPS suspended all of their promised delivery dates, so they let themselves off the hook:

"Time-in-transit notes:On UPS holidays (Nov. 26, Dec. 25 and Jan. 1) there is no movement of any packages tendered to for UPS Tariff/Terms and Conditions.

Also, Nov. 27, Dec. 24 and Dec. 31 are transit days for UPS air and international packages only.

Peak-season guarantees:The guarantee for all U.S. air services and UPS 3 Day Select is suspended for shipments picked up on Dec. 21, 22 and 23. For further details, visit

So, I guess I'm lucky the package moved at all on the 24th, albeit it was being flown from Seattle to Kentucky that day. Then it disappeared into the over five day black hole when it got to Kentucky. One of those days is explained away by Christmas being a no movement day, but what about the others? Even though it is "3 business day select," it should have moved through the system the 26th, 27th, and 28th.

UPS states: Our all-points international air hub is located in Louisville, KY,

Dallas/Fort Worth is a destination for UPS airlines.

How did it take four days to fly from Louisville to Dallas Fort Worth?

Even though they suspended their guarantee of delivery for my package it is frustrating. Lets all make a promise for next year--do not ship or buy anything shipped UPS. They are obviously overburdened during the holidays so they have to suspend their promises, so let's unburden them next year so they won't have to suspend them and are able to deliver holiday packages and between holiday packages on time. Good? Good.

This extra delay is frustrating because I ordered my $192 PS3 repair on 12/16. Sony told me in an email to look for another email about shipping the PS3. They never sent it. I called them on 12/18 and they said the box to ship the PS3 to them was sent out UPS two days prior (the same day I ordered the repair, also 3 day select. Wasn't delivered until the 23rd! What was their excuse for that one? No promise suspended for that period! Should have arrived on the 21st AT THE LATEST (should probably have arrived on Saturday the 19th if UPS gave a darn about service). So, I could probably been using my repaired/refurbished PS3 days ago if it wasn't for UPS not keeping their promises when they should, and suspending them when they shouldn't.


"Santa" won't be using UPS next year. He has a fixed deadline to meet. UPS has no promises they want to keep.

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